Release of Student Work Request System

To facilitate the use of MTPC printing and CMZ services by students, a dedicated Worked Request System is now released to enable students to place their printing requests and book CMZ facilities through their smartphone. The system will be very handy for students who need to produce display posters for their research presentations. They can also request digital printing of their dissertations, different types of binding for their assignments, laminating for documents, digital cutting and even 3D printing for their maker projects. Student can also book CMZ’s Studio, Editing Suite and loan equipment using the newly launched Student Work Request System.
New HKUST Video Channel
The HKUST Video Channel has recently undergone a major update, incorporating several new features to enhance user experience. These include mobile responsiveness, which allows users to access the channel on-the-go, and AI-generated closed captioning, which improves the view experience for all users. Additionally, the channel now also features vertical videos, which are optimized for viewing on smartphones.
Furthermore, the channel has introduced a specific tier of viewers for HKUST alumni, providing them with more HKUST exclusive content. Additionally, the channel's content is now fully accessible to HKUST(GZ) audiences, expanding its reach and impact beyond the Hong Kong area.

Try MTPC’s Gift Ideas for your next Event
Our Design Team and Printshop have created a range of customizable gifts that are both stylish and practical. Featuring HKUST's unique identity, these items are highly popular among our users and can be ordered in small quantities. With options to add event titles and recipients' names, each item can be personalized to make a truly one-of-a-kind gift. Our designer and Printshop are always available to help you create a bespoke item that perfectly fits your needs. Don't miss out on the chance to showcase your HKUST pride - check out our eStore today and discover the possibilities!